Progress in Togo

TOGO MISSION FEBRUARY, 2018 GOD GIVES THE INCREASE It is always a joy to see people respond to the gospel invitation through baptism. During the month under consideration the Lord blessed our efforts with eight (8) baptisms. These conversions have been made possible through radio programs, church activities, personal work, public morning devotions using the Chariot, tract distributions and World Bible school correspondence course.

I was personally glad to witness one of such conversions after my preaching at Akata church of Christ, while there to inspect the newly constructed meeting place. BVBI IN KPALIME Front view of Bear Valley Bible Institute We thank the almighty God that all the twenty students continue to attend classes regularly. We had one incidence of sickness but the school took him to see a doctor. The principal and the staff spent time to read out and explain the rules and regulations governing activities of students in the school.

STUDENTS ASSIST THE AKATA CHURCH OF CHRIST All the men in this picture are students of BVBI who have come to assist the Akata Church complete work on the place of worship. On Wednesdays, classes end at noon to prepare for midweek bible class. 

RESOURCE CENTER During the month under review, the resource center’s record indicates that 1,047 tracts were handed out and 47 bible studies held. WEEKLY RADIO PROGRAM Attah Piere an instructor at the BVBI is also the presenter for this first quarter of the year. He has been teaching on the subject of worship. MONTHLY PREACHERS MEETING Unity of the preachers is very vital to the growth of the church in the region. This unity has been sustained over the years through the monthly meetings which ended with a meal fellowship. The recent graduates were inducted into this group recently.

Report by: H. WILLIE GLEY

Posted on March 20, 2018 .