Plans for the future in Zimbabwe


Many exciting things are happening at BVBIZ. God’s favour continues to be seen with the passing of each month. February had her share of these. Space may not permit to detail all. This report is a summary of what transpired in February together with some upcoming future activities and programs.  


Classes at BVBIZ are progressing well. All short courses have so far been completed. These includes; Geography of the Bible, Foundation of Missions and Community Development and Poverty Alleviation. The following courses are still in progress;

·         Revelation

·         Minor Prophets

·         Christian Evaluation of Contemporary Ethics

·         Preacher’s Life and Work

·         Elementary Hebrew


BVBIZ now has its blueprint. This strategic plan document was commissioned on the 24th of February 2018. This was done during a board meeting that took place on the same day. This document was produced after many hours of intensive work by the board, management and other stakeholders in the period from December 2017 to January 2018. Keith Kasarjian, the Bear Valley Bible Institute International Director was there to witness the commissioning. The following pictures show what transpired.


BVBIZ was blessed to have Keith Kasarjian from the 24th -27th of February. He last came into the country 2 years ago to survey the possibility of having a school in Zimbabwe. It was a blessing seeing him back to see the school for the first time and assess its progress. He had an opportunity to meet the students and teachers. On the 24th he was part of the Board meeting, that saw the commissioning of BVBIZ’s strategic plan. On Sunday, the 25th, he preached at Nashville church of Christ. On the 26th he taught students, preached in chapel and had a meeting with the teachers.  BVBIZ was indeed blessed by this visit. 


Our appreciation goes to Brother Noel Nyemba in East London, South Africa for donating a projector to the schoolThis has been one of our needs for a long time. Thank you Noel for standing in the gap.


BVBIZ emphasizes on practical. This has been done through a number of ways which include weekend evangelism and field program. The first filed program was done for eight weeks in 2017 from 10 July-10 September. During last year’s eight week program, there were 40 restorations, 56 baptisms, 1223 prospects reached with the gospel one on one besides other methods used. This year’s program shall take place in April and May. Applications from congregations are already in for the program.


This month we repeat a notice which was in our January report. The proposed graduation date for our current class is the 2nd of June 2018. Details regarding this ceremony shall be furnished as time progresses. This first batch of students will be ready to work anywhere (in existing congregations or starting new ones) starting in June 2018. If there is a congregation in need of a preacher (either married or single) please contact the school.


We thank God for what He has been able to do for the school in February. We look back and see God’s favour following us. This would not have been possible without your financial, moral and spiritual support.To the partners and sponsors, may God continue to bless you.  We always look to the future with hope that indeed, through these efforts, the gates of hades will not prevail against the church (Mt 16.18).  To God be the glory!

Your brother,

Mathew Muchingam, Director BVBI-Z

Posted on March 20, 2018 .