Good work in Malawi!

The Bear Valley school started here at Mzuzu Bible College in February 2016.  We have two full time teachers, Clegynton Harawa and Patrick Nsalira, who was interviewed to take over from Francisco Wabuda Phiri, (though we don’t tell that these are special for BV and these for MSOP, as we all work together as a team. All teachers can teach in both departments),and two voluntary staff which includes the school’s director.

 First Graduation 2016-2017

 At the end of October 2017 our first Bear Valley class graduated.  We are proud of what they achieved and thankful to all of the Bear Valley sponsors for making this happen.  Since the graduation, two new congregations have been established by some of these students.  Indeed, one student who failed his first year and was not going to continue, then made a real turnaround in his attitude and dedication.  He caught up with his studies and assignments; he is one of the students who has, after graduating, has gone out and established a thriving new congregation of the Lord’s church! This congregation is in the Mzuzu city and is called Mzuzu airport Church of Christ.

The 2018-2019 Student Intake

The new academic years started at the beginning of February 2018.  We have a class of 15 new students from up and down Malawi, and two of them are in their late 60s which shows people are having zeal and eagerness to study and learn God’s word.

The next few months up to the end of May, the students will proceed with academic work only.  We ensure that they have a basic solid foundation before we take them out into the field with gospel preaching work.

Gospel Preaching

During 2018 the students will be involved in 6 gospel preaching campaigns in all three regions of Malawi.  Last year (2017) the BV students were involved in baptizing over 276 souls and the establishment of three new congregations of the Lord’s church.  We were facing some problems with transport for gospel preaching work during 2017 as the Malawi government refused to allow us to continue transporting students using our truck.  This significantly increased the costs of doing this work to the point that we were thinking to cut back the number of campaigns. 

However, the Lord helped us in our need and a generous donor purchased a bus for us so we could continue this vital work.  All of us here are committed to training preachers and while the academic side of this is important; it is also important that practical experience be gained by these students.  Fear is the great weapon which Satan uses to shut the mouths of Christians, the only way to help students not having this fear is to send them into a practical work, after almost four months of theory work in class.

We are thankful to be part of this work! We also do appreciate those who support the school financially. Special thanks should also go to Brother Donnie and his family for the work they are doing in Africa (Malawi, Zimbabwe and Zambia). They are few people of his heart that can sacrifice themselves to come and help in the work of training preachers in a far distanced place from home like this. We hope that we shall all be rewarded when our Lord appears on that day, if we indeed remain faithful, steadfast and unmovable.

Students regards!

Ephron Vincent Mbano (Local Director, BVBI-Malawi)

(On behalf of the BVBIM - staff) 


Posted on March 20, 2018 .