Good news in Ghana

The beginning of the year 2018 saw 23 preachers meeting in a village called Agona Namanwura. The church in this village was established a year ago with an average attendance of 18 adults. The week-long stay in the village saw dawn preaching, where the loud speakers were used. There was daily house to house preaching and distribution of tracts. There was a nightly street preaching which most time ends at 12 midnight, those evangelistic activities resulted in 22 baptisms and 3 restorations. This congregation was highly blessed and pleaded with us to make it a yearly program to the church there.

Bible School

The beginning of the year 2018 marked the beginning of another school year of the Accra Bible School. It is a 2-year program. Over 20 brethren were interviewed but 12 have now reported. This is a boarding department and the students stay in the school for a term of 3 months and then go home for a month holiday. About 6 of the 12 are already preaching for congregations. I am teaching the “The Cost of Discipleship.

The part-time department is having 38 students, whereas the regular program is two years, this part-time program is for 4 years and currently we are in the third year. Classes are held on Friday from 4 pm to 8 pm and Saturday from 8 am to 2 pm. As the moment, I am teaching “The Scheme of Redemption.” The Tamale School has students’ population of 18 and currently they are on holidays for a month. This holiday is for the students who are mostly farmers to prepare their lands for planting. They are coming back on March 19, 2018.

Children – School: The re-opening of the school in January is the second of the three terms in a year. Currently, the children are using three of the six classrooms, down-stirs of the story building. We are yet to put a stir-guard on the steps as a guide to the three top floor classrooms. We have gotten new students since the re-opening of the school in January, 2018.

Baptisms: Our Mission congregations reported 6 baptisms and the Campus Ministry also recorded 4 baptisms.

We are blessed to have brother Travis Hardesty, Minister of Oak Street Church of Christ visiting the school in March. Oak Street Church is instrumental in helping the school get permanent building. We wish him a blessed stay in Ghana.

We are planting a new congregation in March in a village call Immuna on the coast, south of Mankessim.

Please pray with us, we really need it. Thanks.

Kojo Acquah Beenyi,    Minister,   Church of Christ,   Agona Swedru,  C/R,  Ghana,  West Africa

Posted on March 20, 2018 .