Personal Evangelism in New Zealand

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We are happy to report on another busy month for the students and staff of Bear Valley Bible Institute-New Zealand. This quarter is very demanding for the students. For one, they will be taking two biblical language courses (not at the same time!), plus they are also taking my Personal Evangelism course, which requires them to close the books, go outside, and talk to people! In addition to that, next week, we will begin a local campaign to help up to four different congregations drum up some contacts for follow up work.

I am currently teaching my largest class yet with Personal Evangelism 1. I have thirteen eager students. The word training may be a more appropriate word, rather than teaching. Training requires doing that which is taught. The students are having to step out of their comfort zones this week to begin spiritual conversations with at least three people using the tools we have given them in class. I am taking them through the Make Disciples Training Program.

As always, we are very thankful to be a part of this work, and we’re thankful you are, too! We hope this brief report has encouraged you. Please continue to pray for us. 
Lance Mosher, BVBINZ Director

Posted on February 22, 2018 .