A plan for the year in Sierra Leone

The Bear valley Bible Institute Sierra Leone greets you all in the name of our lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We want to appreciate all those who in diverse ways supported the work here in our country. We say  thank you once again to our Regional Coordinator and Keith whose visits in sierra Leone were a blessing in disguised by bringing the gospel  closer to our doors through Bear Valley Bible Institute. 

The first year program has ended with lots of events undertaken last year. We have started another new year with evangelism campaigns, lectureship, personal visits,  house to house, restoration and cooperative evangelism with churches of Christ in Kenema. We also agreed to send student preachers on a routine basis each month to the churches in our area. We hope with these strategies as a preacher's training school will help us achieve better results for this year. 

We have engaged on a mass evangelism campaign on every Saturday within Kenema township at a place call Dauda Town on church survey for the possibility of  church planting in that community. We are planning a three day lectureship and public preaching campaign at the end of this month on that venue before going for our election  break. We also intend to take Kenema urban and rural as our new JERUSALEM. (ACTS 1:8)  this year.

The students ministry at campus have converted four souls for the month of January 2018.
Bro.  Emmanuel F. Focko was  preacher for that service. He captivated the hearts of these converts through an inspired message preached on the theme “ who is a christian”?


Bro. Focko is born some 25 years ago in a small village call Yaladu near Koindu.

He has lost both parents and was staying all by himself. But due to his heart burning desire to do God's work he was picked up by his leaders in his congregation and was recommended for biblical training in the Bear Valley Bible School. He was nurtured and baptized under the church of Christ Koindu in 2009

This brother is a church planter and has planted one congregations in his community before coming to school. He is single and ready to work for the lord if given the support after completing school. He is a pleasant person to work with. 
The photo below shows Bro, Emmanuel F. Focko holding a bible with a young congregation as the shepherd of that congregation.

One of our main constrains was the printing and coping of teaching materials for students.
But with  the purchase of a canon copier through the help of our sponsors we can now boast of having teaching materials on all the modules for our students. We thank our sponsors for such a wonderful gift to our school.

Your brother,

Ishmael Bangura

Director, BVBI-SL

Posted on February 12, 2018 .