School back in session in Wotutu

Dearest in Christ,

We bring to you the best of greetings for 2018. We are pleased to know that you are in 2018 safe and sound with a sounding blessing that God is preparing for His children. We are doing great here in the church and our dream to evangelize our communities, even though politically our country is in trouble. But, we are not worried about that because we are not politicians but preachers of the gospel. We spend time to pray for those in authority in our country so that we can enjoy better peace as we go about our dreams.

All our students are back in class from mission work as from the 8th of December. They had a wonderful time with congregations and made great encouragements and God blessed the work with 29 souls and 8 restored members.  A new congregation was established in the village of Mbalangi. We sent one student home named Abeya John to go and rectify his marital situation. We have given him some time to do that. If that is not done, then he will be dismissed from school.

We are back in class after mission work and vacation. We are on with our intensive studies. This quarter we have the following courses to teach the students as we prepare them for full time ministry by the end of this year. Old Testament 4, Church History, Inter-testamental period, World Religion, Greek, Church Music, and some others like Agriculture, Languages, and English and French towards evenings.

As usual, the instructors will have a friendly meeting at the beginning of the quarter. We sat as friends to discuss the work in front of us. We pray and encourage one another. It is always great to have people around you who share your dreams which mostly concern the growth of the church.


We have double invitation to be in many locations this month and the months to come. A sister in Northwest heard about our evangelistic efforts and our zeal. She is inviting us to come to her village and establish a new congregation from the 22nd  through the 28th. Another congregation is inviting us to be in Batoke for lectureship.


God bless you as we have just started again in 2018. Thanks very much for your prayers. Thanks for your support in all kinds of ways. We pray that you continue to do what you are doing for this work. Thanks for the partnership. We are ready to partner again with you. God bless you as we think souls and go for souls.

Elangwe and family

By His grace director BVBIC-wotutu


Posted on February 1, 2018 .