Classes and campaigns in Myanmar

Dear brethren,

Greetings in Jesus's name. I hope and pray that this mail finds you well. 

By God's grace and through your help, we could have our classes from January 8-19 and 25-30. Students participated at Pyay seminar with brother Daniel Hamm from January 20-23. Our classes went very well I keep all the record of attendance and grades. It was so good to meet brother Mark and and sit at his feet. He is such a wonderful teacher. 

From February 1-14, with three BV students and two other co-workers, we are going to some other parts in Myanmar to do some field work of evangelism and to encourage our brethren in those little  congregations. We really covet your prayer. 

Thank you very much for all you do and praise God for His love and grace which bind us together for this great work.

Philip Van Biak Lian

Posted on February 1, 2018 .