New student interviews in Accra

We are thankful to the Lord for reopening and have seen us through all the quarters and finally in our fourth quarter of the year 2018. Glory be to God in the Highest and our dear brethren.


Hopefully, we have resumed back to school thus 7th October, 2018 and classes begun on 8th October, 2018.

Lessons as per the schools’ curriculum: Personal Evangelism 2, Homiletics 2, The New Testament Church 2, Old Testament 3, Bible Geography and 2 Corinthians respectively are being handled this last quarter of the year, 2018.

Instructors are all present and carrying out their teaching responsibilities. Our full time students are doing well but it is rather unfortunate that two of them – Steven Gedza and Baodi Samuel - are no longer with the Southern Institute of Biblical Studies - SIBS. Boadi Samuel has been admitted at the WESTCOAST whereas Steven Gedza has left for a company work.

Currently, the full time class are eleven (11) in number pursuing this fourth quarter’s courses.


As by the school’s schedules for the staff meetings, it is the last but one staff meeting for this year, 2018. Agendas discussed at the meeting were evangelism programme in Tema C3, review of curriculum, staff visitation activities, graduation procedure for the weekend students, and preparation for new schools.

Staff Visitation

The instructors per the director’s order, have been instructed that they should visit all the congregations of which our students preached for. The instructors have been charged to encourage the churches and her leadership to support their preachers in school in terms of pocket money, transportation, etc.

Interview with New Students

As God richly blessed the school with will hearted instructor, supporters, and providential control so also the students increase in their numbers. These brethren were interviewed last Wednesday, 24th October, 2018; Kofi Antwi, Emmanuel Yao Ahorklo and Ransford Addai Adams for the weekend programme and Nana Adjei for full time programme.


Brother Samuel Assifuah, one of our students’ father passed away and by the Grace of God the students, staff members and some of the church members went to Cape Coast on 27th October, 2018 to participate in the final funeral activities. We are most grateful to the Lord for safe trip.

Please continue to pray with us as we strive to serve Our God by training men to preach the Word of God.

From the staff of BVBI-N (Accra, Ghana)

Posted on November 24, 2018 .