Successful agriculture projects in Zimbabwe


Jesus said, “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.” BVBIZ is part of the answer to this commission. The school exists to equip and mould labourers for this daunting task.   The agenda is to continue equipping faithful men and women for this cause. In the month of September, BVBIZ continued to advance this agenda in a variety ways. Of course, this could not have been possible without the partnership we share with you. This report is a capsule of some of the things we were able to do in September.


Students had been on break the whole month of August and the first week of September. All students came back for their second term of learning. Classes resumed on the 11th of September. The class is composed of 2 females and 12 males. We also have 6 students on our extended program. This brings our student complement in Gweru to 20.


The following subjects are being taught this term;

Denominational Doctrines                l. Mutichu & M.Muchingami

Homiletics                                        M.Muchingami

Hermeneutics                                   M.Muchingami

Book of Acts                                     D. Estep

Galatians                                           H.Suwari

Gospel of John                                  I.Mutichu

OT History                                        I.Mutichu

Godhead                                           I.Mutichu

Entrepreneurship Skills Dvpt.          P.Toperesu



Students are ready to start their evangelism proper. Since last term, it has been much of theory. A little bit of practice was done here and there.  As students are set to begin their weekend evangelism outreaches, we had Brother Ringisai Gushakusha, a knowledgeable man in this area, fine tuning them for the task ahead. He taught the students from the 19th-22nd of September.


On the 22nd of September, we hosted a World Bible School seminar at Booms Christian College in Mkoba. Students were exposed to this method of evangelism. Thousands of fliers were distributed by the students. They attended different classes which were subdivided according to denominational affiliation. Different teachers taught the classes. Two souls were added to the church that day with another one being baptized the following day. One is meeting with the Nashville congregation, another one at Mkoba 4 whilst the other one went to the Midlands State University (MSU) campus congregation. The one who was baptised on the 23rd is a student at MSU. Besides this seminar, one soul had been added the previous week. Therefore, 4 souls were baptized in September.


To increase the students’ confidence and experience, Teachers and students went to the Mazowe area for a week long evangelism outreach. The program shall run from the 28th of September and is set to end on the 7th of October. Students on the extended program (Harare class) had been to this area the previous weekend (22-23 September). The outcome of this program shall be reported in the October report.


The school seeks to produce highly competent preachers who would impact the community positively.  A great emphasis is also being put on the acquisition of entrepreneurship skills that will help them as they preach the gospel. Churches will also benefit in the end. In their first term, they were taught poultry production, drip irrigation technology and crop production. More life skills shall be taught in the course of their studies. Brother Panganai Toperesu is currently teaching these students, the theory of Entrepreneurship.


The poultry project proceeded well. We had three batches. The first had 150 birds while the second had 100 and the third had 150. The last batch is ready for sale. Another cycle will start soon.


The tomato project which began in August is proceeding well. The crop is under drip. Due to limited space we were only able to plant about 1200 plants. Most of the work is done by students so that they get the skills needed in crop production. From the 24th-27th they were busy trellising the tomatoes.


BVBIZ continues to welcome donations both in cash and kind. This month our appreciation goes to the Nation Lectureship for their donation of food items to the school. BVBIZ received the following;

20x500g baked beans,2.50g recoffy, 2x250g recoffy, 13x500g mayonnaise, 14x1l milk, 2x500g popcorn, 3 spice packs, 30 knor packs, 7x2l cooking oil, 1x5l cooking oil, 2x3kg tomato paste, 1x750g recoffy, 1x750g frisco and 4 bags of maize.


We praise God for what we were able to do in SeptemberBVBIZ could not have reached this far without the unwavering support we have been receiving. Thank you for your moral, spiritual, financial and material support. We remain grateful. Please keep us in your prayers. To God be the glory!

Your brother,

Mathew Muchingam

Director, BVBI-Z

Posted on October 30, 2018 .