Celebrating a new facility in Cameroon

Dearest in Christ,

Greetings from Cameroon. It has been a while since I have sent my report due to my trip with my wife and also the current crisis in Cameroon. The crisis has greatly affected most businesses. There are times that some internet cafés are not open because of fear of the unknown. Therefore, I must drive to Douala to send my report. I am sending this report now from Douala. Please keep our country in your prayers during the ongoing crisis that there shall be a solution in the shortest possible time. Our God is watching and there is nothing He cannot do.

Our students were out for mission work in different locations. They are back safe and sound and classes are on again as they are working to finalized their stay in Wotutu. Graduation will be on the 13th of December 2018 starting at 12 noon. You are highly invited to grace the event with your presence.

Cameroon organized a presidential election and our president, who has been there in power for the past 36 years, still won again. His winning has provoked angered and loss of hope to many Cameroonians who are begging for peace and for change now. Keep our situation in your prayers as we continue to serve Him.

Our new campus has a beautiful and spacious lecture hall. Each student has his own individual seat to keep the spirit of self-development and independency in their work. The lecture hall has a space for the air condition which will serve us a lot when the heat will be over head. The air conditioners will be mounted in the days ahead.

The dining section is great!  It has enough space for everyone to enjoy their meals and to enjoy fellowship with one another.

Evangelist Nda Mesack is teaching now in BVBIC-Wotutu to replace brother Norbert, one of our instructors who passed away in August.  As a first batch student, Brother Mesack has been able to see the development of BVBIC-Wotutu as we have gone from renting a small place and having classes in the worship hall to the present location with a fully enclosed campus. All glory goes to God.

This is the new campus. We are not done yet with the painting, but it looks beautiful already. This building is dedicated purely for the study of the Bible as men are being trained and prepared daily for the Master’s use. Many thanks to STC for their support to make things happen.


Our graduation is coming up on the 13th of December. Please, we are pleading for a gift of megaphones. We will need 19 of them. The graduates will be using them during evangelism in their different places. Please help equip these men with some tools for their work in the field.


Thank you very much for your time when I was there with my wife. We appreciate all you did for us and we enjoyed our time together. Thank you for helping to make this work continue. May God’s blessings be with you until He returns to reward His servants.

Elangwe and family

By His grace director of BVBIC-Wotutu

Posted on October 30, 2018 .