I greet you all in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. It’s my hope that everyone is doing well in the Lord’s work. Now, I would like to share with you a short report concerning graduation this year. It is a good time that God has given us to see another group of students starting a new page in the big task given by our Lord, Jesus Christ – that is to go and preach the Gospel without forgetting the task of teaching all: “This book of the law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it; for then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have success.Joshua 1:8
The School had two different levels of graduates. We had fifteen from the bachelors program From Kenya we had: The Tanzania 2000 Mission has two sisters schools, which were also involved in this graduation. They are the Arusha Bible School and the Kilimanjaro Bible School. The Arusha Bible School under the administration of brother Desdery Massawe, had five students who graduated with a certificate. In this case we witnessed Twenty students graduating, ready to serve our Lord. This was great privilege in the kingdom.
It’s my great hope that these men have all the skills needed to reach lost souls. This has been realized by the performance in the class and outside in the field while they were still students. These ACSOP students were involved in the Arusha campaign, and outreach in deferent congregations.
Youth Camps.
In this year God provided us with two youth camps. Future preachers Training Camp and Tanzania Christian Camp. First camp FPTC we had sixty – one youth trained as preachers. It should be remembered that this camp is another tool we have to train preachers apart from ACSOP. One of the camper was baptized in this camp.
Second camp had one hundred and fifty campers, with eighteen adult chancellors and teachers. God provided ten baptisms in this camp. We thank God for this opportunity to serve His.
First we thank God and our Lord Jesus for these wonderful events. Likewise we want to thank our brother Neal Pollard, for encouraging us , and also for being our keynote speaker in the graduation. Also ACSOP thanks all brothers and sisters who are not sleeping in order to look for ways that they can fund the school so it can operate. Again these all would not be done without your efforts, also ACSOP faculty and the best missionary team we have. God is blessing the church abundantly on this side because of your efforts. Please continue to pray for us as we serve Him together.
In His service,
Ahimidiwe Kimaro
Director, Andrew Connally School of Preaching
A Bear Valley Bible Institute International extension school
Arusha, Tanzania