A new year in Haiti

A New Year at IST:  Year four has started at the International School of Theology - Haiti.  This year we have expanded our facilities to accommodate our new students. While we have almost finished the new facilities, there is still much to be done.  There are twenty-five students in the first-year class and fourteen of the sixteen second year students have returned.  We are now moving into the growing phase for IST.  We have a first year and a second-year class and in 2018, we plan to add a third class.  We will have our next graduation in May of 2019 and from that point forward, we will have a graduation each year.  

Meet our Haitian Faculty:  We now have one full-time teacher who will also serve as the administrator for IST and we have four part-time teachers.  

Jean Claude Lemours has a degree in education from the University of Haiti.  Brother Lemours is a 2016 graduate of IST and was our valedictorian.  He has served as the minister for the Butte Boye church of Christ in Haiti for almost twenty years.  He plans to continue his education toward a master’s degree in Bible.

Jean Yves Desmosthene has several years’ experience of preaching and teaching and holds a degree in administration.  

Derrises Alin is a graduate from the school of preaching in Cap-Haitian and he attended one year at IST.  He has served as an evangelist for many years.  

Saint Hubert Felix has been a gospel preacher for thirty-eight years and he is the director of our elementary school and serves as one of our directors at IST.   

Martial Viciere is a graduate from IST and serves as the director of the Sunlight Children’s Home.  He oversees an education program that includes about 125 young people from kindergarten through collage age.  He also is the director of the nutrition center where two hot meals are served five days a week to more than 100 children.  

Church Plant:  Beaubrun Origene, one of the directors at IST, and Martial Viciere have agreed to serve as the evangelists at the La Tremblay church of Christ on the campus of IST.  Plans are being made to start a congregation at the school in January of 2018.  The students and faculty have already started contacting people in the community and one person has been baptized into the body of Christ.  Please pray for this new work.  I will keep you updated at the work progresses.

 As the school grows, so do the needs.  We need both one-time and monthly support.  If you would like to know how you can help, please contact me directly at lwaymire@gmail.com or 731-798-0136.  You are also welcome to contact Bear Valley Bible Institute.  May God continue to use each of us as we continue to serve Him.  

We are thankful for the help of Bear Valley Bible Institute and so many individuals and congregations who have made this possible.  The glory belongs to God for all that has been done.

In Him,

Larry Waymire 

Posted on September 5, 2017 .