3 new congregations and 15 baptisms in Zimbabwe


In the little time that BVBIZ has existed, the school continues to be exposed to new things. Many plans have been made and continue to be made. It has succeeded in some, while forced to go back to the drawing board for others. One of those that came to fruition is the first ever Field Program. In this July report, more space shall be dedicated to report on what is transpiring in the field as students are putting theory into practice. 


Another term of learning ended on the 13th of July. Final examinations were successfully written and compilation of results is in progress.  Averagely, the performance of students is satisfactory.


Mashonaland West Leadership Workshop - The school was invited to a provincial workshop for church leaders. This took place at Chirau on the 15th of July. The theme was “Leadership and Evangelism.” The Director and one our teachers, Howard Suwari presented lessons. The leaders went into a planning session after the presentations.

Matebeleland Lectureship - This lectureship was held from the 28th to the 30th of July. Brother Ishmael Mutichu, our full time instructor and Mathew Muchingami, the director, were part of those who attended. Brother Muchingami presented a topic on “Developing a Self Sustaining Church.” 177 people were in attendance. 


BVBIZ is welcoming applications for the 2018 intake (second intake). Some have already been turned in. 


Preparation - Several efforts were done to prepare students for field program. Several lessons and workshops were done. At the end of the term, Brother Gushakusha, a personal work teacher, came to fine tune the students for the work ahead. The leadership class also benefited in one of the sessions. The ladies were also taught by Brother Gushakusha’s wife on the “Preacher’s Wife and Work.” In one of the pictures attached, students and the leadership class are taken through some essentials in Singing and Personal work.

Farewell Dinner - Before students left for their field practicum, a farewell dinner was held for them by congregations in Gweru. Every weekend, students have been going to these congregations for their weekend evangelism. BVBIZ appreciates this gesture. Each of the student was given a few toiletries that were going to help them for the first few days.

Deployment - Students were deployed to their camps from the 14th-17th of July. Over 1500km were covered in taking the students to their centres. Unfortunately, the vehicle being used broke down in Masvingo (about 160km from Gweru) on its way back to Gweru. About $450 is needed to get it back on the road.

Tracts - BVBIZ received a consignement of tracts  (from Mission Printing) for use in evangelism through Jubilee church of Christ in Mutare. These shall be an important tool for students in our evangelism efforts.

Follow Up - Teachers have already made their first follow up of students. Each teacher is expected to stay a minimum of 2 days with his team. Besides, these teachers, our students are learning from experienced preachers whom they are working with at the various congregations. News from the field so far indicates that all is going on well. Congregations are doing their best to take care of the students. In one of the attached pictures, a student is pictured working with one of our oldest preachers in the country, Brother Mupanduki of Gokwe Nembudziya.

New Congregations

BVBIZ is happy that 3 congregations have been planted. The first was at Deure in Masvingo Province. The team of students at Triangle was at Deure (the home area of Dzingai Mugova, a preacher at Traingle and BVBIZ ambassador for Masvingo province), about 10km from Jerera Growth point. A few other preachers for the Gospel Chariot in Masvingo were present.

The second was at Chikuku, again in Masvingo Province. Brother Panganai Toperesu (the man at the far right in the picture below) and his wife have been instrumental in making sure that a congregation is established in their home area. They are sponsoring the work. BVBIZ also appreciates Brother Auswich Mashaba of the Gospel Chariot for being with the students for a week and evangelising the area. Please see an attached picture of one of the newly planted congregation.

The third congregation is now at Insukamini. A congregation once existed there. The work failed 3 years ago. It is a joy that BVBIZ has resuscitated the work.


Finally we would like to thank you all for your moral, spiritual and financial support. Our request this month is that you keep remembering the students who are in the field. This is a new experience for them. Our desire is that the world be won for Christ. To God be the glory!

Your brother,

Mathew Muchingam

Posted on August 7, 2017 .