A new motor bike in Sierra Leone

Dear Brethren,

We greet you in the name of Jesus Christ Amen. Just coming from the holidays, as we have resumed normal classes for the third Quarter nothing new has happened.


We thank our donors for providing us with another motorbike to ease our transport problem in the field. We also have set up the computer room for our students who are presently doing computer studies as part of their course.

We want to extend our sincere thanks and appreciation for the tremendous effort made towards the smooth running of the school in Sierra Leone Not forgetting our able West Africa coordinator for making things happened on our behalf through the grace of God.

We have also provided uniforms for our preachers to put on during school session.

Hope to keep up to your standard and expectation as we forge ahead for the promotion of the gospel in this part of the vineyard.

Thank you

Yours in christ,

Bro. Ishmael S. Bangura

Posted on August 15, 2017 .