72 baptisms during break in Arusha

Students recruitment trip!

How then will they preach unless they are sent? Just as it is written, “HOW BEAUTIFUL ARE THE FEET OF THOSE WHO BRING GOOD NEWS OF GOOD THING!”  (Romans 10:15 NASB)

It was a long and blessed month of July, when I and Michael traveled to visit our up coming graduates students. Along with other activities, we were able to meet with brothers and sisters in Christ of various congregations in Tanzania. Truly speaking we had a wonderful trip to the northern part of the country.

This year we have 15 students who are going to graduate from the Swahili class (14 from Tanzania and one from Kenya) and 9 continuing students from English program. All of our students are doing a wonderful job, it is good to see them are involved in church work in some way. Most of them are preaching on regular Sunday Bible class. They shared with us a number of successes from their evangelistic effort. A total of 72 baptisms from our students during this holiday break were reported. Please continue to pray for these precious souls as they continue to grow and mature in Christ. 

On our journey, we made several stops to meet with our former graduate students. It’s good to see that most of them are faithful in the Lord. Lucky enough most of them are still involved in recruiting process as they stand as good ambassadors for Christ and the ACSOP. Our numbers here grow year after year, since 2003 up to last year we have had a total number of 152 graduates. 

The main purpose of our journey was to visit our coming graduates in their local congregation and encourage faithful men from their local congregations to send them to school. These students will have opportunity to be trained for two years and go back to their local congregation to work with their natives.

For the next year Swahili class, more than 12 applications have been turned in already. I have about 15 applications, which are not complete. The school expects to register over 30 students next year. The school is marked to be the best school in the northern circuit of Tanzania. Over 10 new congregations have been established for the past two years by our graduates and this is mark as among many other successes for the school.  

The school is still on holiday, but believe me all the teachers and staff at the school are busy working. We have had a number of brothers and sisters visiting from USA, working with local congregation in the cause of Christ.  Teachers are preparing good material for teaching in coming classes. Please keep this good work on your daily prayer, because that is what is pleasing in the sight of God.

In Christian Love,

Godfrey Mngoma

Dean of Students - Andrew Connally School of Preaching

A Bear Valley Bible Institute International extension school

Arusha, Tanzania

Posted on July 25, 2017 .