A successful lectureship in New Zealand!

Bear Valley Bible Institute-New Zealand’s first official lectureship is in the books! Every year during the weekend that leads into the first Monday of June (called Queen’s Birthday Weekend in New Zealand), the Porirua church hosts a camp and lectureship. This year, we held it also as BVBINZ’s first lectureship.

The first three lessons were by staff, and we taught on interpretation and teaching principles. The next three lessons were by BV students on case studies, applying those principles. Actually, the students taught four lessons, as during one lesson, Glen taught the men and Dora taught the women. The lessons were:

  1. The Error of Unprincipled People (Kent O’Donnell)
  2. Covenant Confusion (Lance Mosher)
  3. The Silence of the Scriptures–Permissive or Restrictive? (Rod Kyle)
  4. Case Study: The Thief on the Cross–Faith Alone? (Deo Asistol)
  5. Case Study: Gender Roles in the Church, Home, and Society (Glen Gawe [men] | Dora Lavea [women])
  6. Case Study: Music in Worship (Jay Pahetogia)

The Sunday morning at camp always has the largest numbers, as those who cannot stay at camp still like driving in to enjoy worship with us on the Lord’s Day. Deo Asistol taught the lesson that hour, and it was his first time ever preaching. He did a fine job. All but the one on gender roles were recorded, and they can be heard here.

We are continually thankful for all you do to encourage us at BVBINZ. We could not go on without your love and support.  

Keep serving Him,
Lance Mosher, BVBINZ Director

Posted on June 19, 2017 .