My visits to New Zealand and Fiji

I have just returned from a successful visit to two of our newest schools - New Zealand and Fiji. While in New Zealand I was blessed with the opportunity to preach for three congregations in the Auckland area, as well as conduct a Leadership seminar for area congregations. In addition to strengthening the churches there, this was used as a platform for showcasing the school, with the goal of increasing attendance. I enjoyed working with Trevor Major in Auckland.

From there I went to Wellington, which is the site of the other NZ center. While there I was able to meet with some students and teachers, as well as some of their families. (pictured above) It was incredibly encouraging for me to hear so many speak about how much good has already been done in the short time since the school began. Three more full-time students will begin their studies next month. I enjoyed seeing John Jones and John Grubb, but missed seeing Director Lance Mosher, as he was in the States.

In Suva, Fiji, I was able to visit the school in session and to even teach two classes on Leviticus and another on sermon preparation and delivery. Rocco and Jason Pierce have things moving along very well and the students expressed to me their gratitude for the school. The school is already receiving interest from students in other islands, which has been one of our goals all along.

All in all, I was blessed to be able to preach and teach 15 times, and to meet with some dedicated teachers and students. God is doing great things in these two countries!

Until all have heard,


Posted on March 21, 2017 .