Women's conference hosted in Tamale


                                                         OCTOBER REPORT, 2017.


As usual we have come to the end of the second term classes successfully and the students will be back to school on 6th November from the three weeks break. They are to use this break time to visit their families, congregations and their farms.

Administrative Activities:

Administratively, everything that needs to keep the school running is in place as everyone contributes his part to give the best service to the Lord. It is our prayer that we will move from one step to another as long as the growth and the development of the school in the Northern Region of Ghana is concerned.

The school land papers are still going under registration. The amount needed has been paid to the Lands Commission and they are going through their procedures to get the land registered and then hand over the papers to the school.

Personal Evangelism:

We held one week personal evangelism in Tamale Township with all students involved and it was a very good experience with the Muslims as usual. We debated with them about Jesus as the son of God and not the prophet as they were describing Him.

We also told them plainly that the eternal salvation of mankind is found in Christ Jesus and not in Mohammed. At a point some were getting the understanding yet some of them were still pushing them not to come closer to the point. So we left them here as we bRought our week long evangelism to an end hoping for another chance to meet them again on the same topic.

Annual Northern Sector Women Fellowship (ANSWF):

This year Annual Northern Sector Women Fellowship hosted and supported by the school has made a significant difference than the years before. This year 32 communities sent the representatives of 152 members to witness and take part of program which has never happened before.

Your brother,

Alex Jabado

Posted on November 21, 2017 .