20th Anniversary celebration in Ukraine

In October of 1997, the Bear Valley Bible Institute began what has now become its International Extension program. Little could we have ever known how mightily God would use that school, and the extension program overall, to His glory.

BBVI President, Denny Petrillo and I were there, along with Coordinator Terry Harmon and Director Denis Soplenik to celebrate this momentous occasion. For two days we had a lectureship that focused on the future of the church and the school in Ukraine. On the final day we reminisced about the past 20 years and thanked God for all the ways He has blessed the school during that time.

The school is doing well and is not resting on its laurels. There are currently 14 students enrolled and already several prospects for the next intake. Through its graduates, this school has had tremendous influence on the entire country of Ukraine and even a few other nations, too. Thank you for your continued prayers and support in Ukraine.


Keith Kasarjian

Posted on October 31, 2017 .