Exciting news from New Zealand

Is it already October? We in New Zealand are loving the change of weather. We are in full spring, and it’s looking like a promising summer. Thank you for your support of our work!

The Porirua church now has its own building. Previously, we were renting a school hall for two hours a week, but now we have a location with 24/7 access. Because of that, we have relocated the classroom from Wellington to Porirua. This allows us to have one more part time student, and it is closer to 90% of the current students and 100% of the staff. 

Nathan Franson is currently teaching his second course in BVBINZ, and things are going well. As I type this, I can hear the muffled voices of the students and Trevor Major in the other room as they enjoy their first class of 1 & 2 Peter and Jude. 

We were blessed with a short visit from Mark and Mindy Reynolds. Mark is the Regional Director of BV in our part of the world. He spent some time encouraging the students and local staff. He also spent some time teaching in the churches and in my video studio. Check out his first completed lesson at this link.

Thank you all for your love and support. Keep praying for us. Keep the faith. Keep serving Him. 

Lance Mosher, BVBINZ Director

Posted on October 12, 2017 .