Students and alumni gather in Nepal

Respected one,

Greetings to you all in the precious name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. May grace of God, love and peace always be with you.

We are happy and eager to share about our report to everyone who are loving us.

Lectureship was finished.

We have finished our lectureship from 13-16 of September 2016. We had studied from book of Ezra and Nehemiah. We had invited our formal graduated students and preachers. 70 people were participated in our class. Some of our preachers, teachers and graduated students were presented lessons.  It was really encouraging.

Holiday begins.

We will begin our five weeks of long holiday from 30th of September.  We will begin our class from 7th of November of 2016.

Youth camp.

We are conducting youth camp once in a year at the month of October when all the schools will be closed because of national holiday. Our youth camp will be from 8-12 of October, 2016. We have invited youth between the age of 15-25. We will study from book of Daniel. Please kindly remember us in your prayer.

Thank you.

Brother in Christ

Gajendra Deshar

Posted on September 26, 2016 .