The Maynards are feeding stomachs and souls in Tanzania

Maynard Mission Report August 2016


This month we have been busy trying to finish up projects before we leave to head back to the States to raise funds. We were able to finish the cow stalls and move the cows into their new home. We also integrated our new chickens in with our older ones, and if all goes well should have 500 chickens laying in a week or two.

Our corn crop has been harvested and bagged. We were able to get 25 bags of corn, despite the lack of rain this year. The corn will be used to feed the school for an entire year. Most will be ground into a powder and cooked into ugaili, one of the main foods in Africa. The rest will be used to make macande, one of my personal favorite African Dishes which is beans and corn.


Anna taught her last lesson (until we return from furlough) to the preachers wives class. Her lesson was on Who are you in the Church?They studied the end of Pauls 2nd letter to Timothy and talked about different roles first century Christians had and what their roles in the
Church are today.

This past Saturday we had our August childrens seminar in a rural village called Kingori. The Church building had no roof and was in the middle of a field. 20 children came and as many or more adults. Anna and Susan taught the children while the men split the adults up into groups. As a result, we have a new brother in Christ!

As most of you know, we return to the States August 26th to fund-raise. We ask for your prayers for our journey home, and for the work here in Africa. Also, if anyone is interested in hearing a presentation on the work please email us and we would love to come and visit.

In him,

Justin and Anna Maynard

If you would like to see the pictures that accompany the ext, please click HERE


Posted on August 28, 2016 .