The school in Wotutu has a guest teacher


Dearest in Christ,

        Greetings from your brothers and sisters here in Wotutu - we do hope you are doing fine. God is faithful and is helping us meet up with what is entrusted in our hands. The students are doing well as they will continue with their 3 quarter exams this week. They will rest for one week and welcome Randy Martin and his wife to Wotutu to teach a short course on pastoral letters; a course that will help prepare our brothers to go out and prepare men to take up the offices of elders.

    Even though exams are up and students spend more hours studying during exams period than other periods, they never stop their weekend evangelism. They all return safe, but dirty and wet because of the nature of the roads this time of year.

PIC 1 - The Tancha congregation is making progress, from 13 last week to 14 this week. We are happy that we can see growth.

PIC 2 - This man is call Pa Motina. He is more than 100 years old and lives in Mbu village. Our students share the message of Christ with him and he said he is already ready to go to Heaven because if he was doing evil things he would not have getting to this ripe old age. To him the gospel was for those who are sinful,but he was interested to know about the church of Christ. Keep our mission efforts in your prayers .      

Pic 3 - Randy Martin is always friendly with members of our congregation. They spend time listening to people on one on one and sharing stories about home and life. 


       After the short course, students will go to 21 different locations for mission weeks, on the field moving from one house to another spreading the bread of life. Keep our plans in your prayers.    


Thank you very much for all your help towards to this work. Please keep me in your prayers as I plan to travel .    

Elangwe and family

By His grace director BVBIC-Wotutu

#extensions #cameroon #wotutu

Posted on August 28, 2016 .