The Providence Of God Is Witnessed In East African Studies...

Greetings Fellow Workers,

I hope this note finds you well. We continue to enjoy seeing God's hand of providence at work here in East Africa. For the past few several weeks, Nester and I have had a series of Bible studies in the home of a local Pentecostal preacher. The studies have progressed well and he has been very receptive to the things we've shown him from the scriptures. He invited us to conduct a seminar last Sunday afternoon at his congregation. We (Daniel, Justin, and Mason) spent two hours exposing them to the gospel of Christ, and they were very receptive. Meanwhile Tiffany, Anna, and Haley did a class with the children. We've been invited back again to teach more at a future occasion. The efforts are already bearing fruit as one of their elders was baptized yesterday, and intends to encourage his family to do the same. This is an exciting opportunity, and we hope that you'll pray with us that God will continue to open doors for the gospel and give increase where the seed is planted. 

I also wanted to make you aware of a couple of pressing needs that the work has:

•We have urgent need of a copy machine at ACSOP. Our old one has breathed it's last breathe after years of faithful service. This is the machine that we use to produce materials for the students, as well as for printing tracts for evangelistic outreach. It will take $1,300 to replace it. If you would like to contribute to this cause, then funds can be sent to either Lehman Ave. or Bear Valley.

•As you know, the work here is in a period of transition. Five new missionaries are in the process of transitioning in (Todd and Susan StorksWesley Storks, and Mason and Haley Norman). Wesley especially has struggled to raise his support and could use help. Also, Justin and Anna Maynard will soon be concluding their initial year with us, and will be returning to the US to raise funds to return for another 3 years. The Maynard’s have proven to be invaluable assets to the work here. As my family returns to the States in July, these seven individuals will be left as the stewards of the work here. Please think prayerfully about whether you might be able to help them in some way.   

As you may have noticed, Cy Stafford was able to send out a short report himself this past Sunday. We are encouraged by the progress that he has made and continues to make. He is even talking optimistically about making a trip over here later this year. We will continue to pray toward that end. 

Campaign season is getting kicked off as our first campaigners are arriving this week. Tom Watkins and his team (Brian Anderson and Anna Byrd) got here last night, and will be spending their time working in the Namanga area. Brittany Higgins will arrive Saturday to join that effort also. Meanwhile the local evangelists are gearing up pre-campaign efforts in Njiro Chini in order to have plenty of bible studies set up for the groups arriving in the coming weeks. Pray that God provides lots of good soil for His laborers. 

Thank you all for being such great partners in this work through your prayers, encouragement, and financial support. I believe that God is being glorified through our joint efforts. We pray that He will continue to bless the work.

Till all have heard...
Daniel Gaines

See this report with pictures at:

Posted on May 22, 2016 .