Sixteen Souls Were Added To The Kingdom With Recent Evangelistic Efforts...

Dear Brethren,

By God’s grace another month of operation has ended. We are, therefore, sending herewith the operating report for your necessary action, please.

The school re-opened on the 25th of April after the Easter break. All students reported on the re-opening date and classroom work began immediately. All instructors were also on hand to handle their various courses.

Efforts by both instructors and students during the period resulted in the baptism of sixteen (16) souls. (We are sorry we could not take pictures of any of these).

We decided to sell the birds to the kitchen and use the funds to buy new birds. Inquiries from the open market about the price for a bird made us take the decision to sell to the kitchen instead and use the outcome to buy new birds to replace them.

We have begun our admission process for the 2016/17 academic year. Initial response has been encouraging and we ask you to pray this would continue. 

We have proposed Saturday, the 29th of October, 20016 for the next graduation. Sixteen (16) students would be graduating. We are putting our budget together and will send to you.

In our last report, we reported that our first campaign for Christ was due. As you may be aware, this first one in the year takes us to an existing congregation, thus they bear almost all our expenses. We therefore requested that you assist us with $500.00 to take care of our transportation to Esiama and back and also for our medicals and any other emergencies. We are just reminding you about that.

The cook has been reminding us about the need to replace some of the utensils in the kitchen. As our financial report indicates, we squeezed our finances to buy a few items. We sent a budget on this in our February report and would be grateful if you can assist us to purchase the rest.

Finally, may we say that we appreciate so much all you are doing to keep the school going. We continue to pray for you all as we know you do for us. 

May God bless us all.
Charles Mensah

Posted on May 15, 2016 .