Prayer Requested...

Prayer Request: Cy Stafford continues to need our prayers, as he is back in the hospital suffering with a new colon infection. As Cy works to regain his strength, he needs addition endure chemo-therapy treatments. He is an incredible encouragement. Please remember him in your prayers this week.

Prayer Request: Evie Graber, daughter of Randy and Robin Martin, was diagnosed last week with cancer. Evie had a tumor on her brain that was removed and pathology indicated that the tumor was malignant. Evie and her husband, Christopher, have five young children. Details are still unknown regarding treatment, but their faith is an example for us all. The congregation where Christopher and Evie attend oversees the work in Wotutu, Cameroon. Please pray for this wonderful family as they move forward.

Students in Denver completed their mid-term exams last week and will spend the week ahead working on research for their assignments. With just over a month left in the quarter, students have this time to focus on getting the assignments completed - or at least as many as they can - before entering the final month of the year. Seniors are finalizing their studies before they enter full-time ministry. Please pray for these men and their families as they finish up.

Schools reporting this week provide a great level of encouragement as students continue to grow. Their outreach efforts have experienced the increase of God as souls were added to the kingdom. Additionally, the programs in each location continue to strengthen the church around the world as subsistence farming techniques assist needs within the school and the church.

Please remember to update your files to include Keith Kasarjian to receive reports, or to discuss information regarding the extension program. Keith is the new director of the extension program. His email address is

Now on to this week’s incredible reports...

Coordinator Updates
Reports from the coordinators are now located on the website, under Staff Reports. The address is

The latest report from Howell Ferguson can be read by clicking here.

The latest report from Wes Autrey about the work in Cambodia can be read by clicking here.

Extension Reports

Brother Benard Found His Missing Rib: Think About It For A Minute: The program grows in Cameroon, but the pictures provide a clue as to the beauty of the headline for this report.

Precious Souls Were Added To The Kingdom In Cameroon: The growth of the work in Mbanga, Cameroon indicates God’s powerful hand at work in giving the increase.

Tis The Season For Marriage In Nigeria: Amidst the growth of students, April was a month where weddings seemed to highlight the work in Nigeria.

Students AT SIBS Move Closer To Graduation In Ghana: Students continue to near and prepare for the completion of their studies in Nsawam, Ghana.

Six New Souls Are Added To The Kingdom In Takoradi: While subsistence farming assists the work in Takoradi, outreach sees the increase of God.

20/20 Vision Means Five New Congregations By The Year 2020: As staff and students at ACSOP evangelize the area surrounding Arusha, Tanzania, new churches are planted.

Giving Series In Arusha Continues To Strengthen The Church: Continuing to emphasize the necessity of biblical giving, churches grow in Tanzania.

Final Thoughts
Please accept our gratitude for your incredible involvement in the work of extension training. As the reports indicate, we are all aware of the value you provide to the program. Without your willingness to help with the efforts in each location, we would be unable to expand the borders of the kingdom. Thank you.

God bless

Posted on April 17, 2016 .