A Rocky Mountain Spring Brings Interesting Weather To Denver...

UPDATE: We continue to rejoice with the improvement with Cy Stafford. We were all encouraged to see a picture of Cy at one of his grandson’s baseball games and he attended worship today. We rejoice with the strength he demonstrates and his effort to improve. Please pray that as Cy grows stronger that he will endure the upcoming treatments to help him remain free of cancer.

Students in Denver returned to the classroom last week to begin their final quarter of the school year. There is always a level of excitement to beginning the quarter. This quarter was met with a winter blizzard in Denver. After only two days of classes, Denver experienced a blizzard that closed school for the day. Temperatures were warm on Tuesday and plummeted to below freezing and snow fell like we were in the heart of winter. The problem is we are entering spring. Oh well… welcome to a Rocky Mountain spring.

Extension news continues to be exciting as the work in each location demonstrates the greatness of our God. Reports below indicate growth on the part of students who train and the growth of the church as souls were added to the kingdom. To read the reports from each location brings encouragement and excitement about the future of extension training. We hope you are as encouraged and excited as we are with the development of the work.

In addition to the reports below from current schools in the program, we are excited about last week’s announcement of three new locations where men will be trained to preach the gospel. Please pray for the beginning of schools in Zimbabwe, Liberia, and New Zealand. As these schools begin classes, we will highlight the development of each program of study.

Now on to this week’s incredible reports...

Coordinator Updates
Reports from the coordinators are now located on the website, under Staff Reports. The address is http://www.wetrainpreachers.com/extension-schools/

The latest report from Mike Reese about the work in Kenya can be read by clicking here.

Extension Reports

The Church Grows In Togo By The Assistance Of The Kpalime Congregation: A new church is planted and others grow as a result of outreach from the church in Kpalime.

A New Staff Member Begins Work With The School In Tamale: A local coordinator for the Tamale Institute of Biblical Studies begins to assist the program of study in Tamale.

ACSOP Provides A Tool Of Great Blessing In Tanzania: Men continue to be taught the Word of God and go into their own communities to preach the gospel and win souls to Christ.

Souls Added And Restored To The Church In Arusha: The church grows by the work of graduates from the program of study at the Andrew Connally School of Preaching.

A Children’s Seminar And Preparation For A Family Seminar Takes Place: The work in Arusha, Tanzania continues to reach out to children and families.

Final Thoughts
A final word of thanks to each of you for all you do to help the program of extension training continue to provide growth for the kingdom of our God. Witnessing the development of men who desire to preach both in the U.S. and around the world signifies the hope God promises in His word. The opportunity to share His word and see the fulfillment of that promise makes each day a little brighter and eternity that much sweeter. Thank you.

God bless

Posted on March 27, 2016 .