Shaking The Cobwebs Off To Resume Studies In Arusha...

Greetings fellow workers,

The rains are falling here in Africa. The grass is green and the flowers are blooming. It is truly a beautiful time of year to be here in this portion of God's creation.

The Gaines family is safely back in Tanzania, and back in the groove. Furlough was great, but it feels good to be back in the field. We've missed this place and its wonderful people.

The new school year begins tomorrow. Students are shaking off the cobwebs from their break and preparing to resume their studies. We look forward to welcoming in a fresh class of Swahili students who are eagerly beginning the journey that their predecessors just completed. One of the great joys of this work is knowing that it is never finished. We have yet to run out of willing men who are seeking to strengthen their service to God, and the kingdom here is blessed for it.  

On a more somber note, our beloved brother, Cy Stafford, continues to have serious health problems. It seems that one day brings bad news, but the next brings rays of hope. During this turbulent time, a schedule for fasting and prayers of intervention has been organized. We invite you to participate in this to whatever degree you would like. 

Fasting Schedule:
-Bear Valley: February 1-10
-Churches of East Africa: February 11-21
-U.S. churches: February 22 - March 1

Thank you brothers for your prayers and support. This work wouldn't be possible without the participation of good people like you.

You can see this report with pictures at:

Till all have heard...

Daniel Gaines

for Cy Stafford

Posted on February 7, 2016 .