Keeping Evangelism The Focus As Students Grow...

UPDATE: Cy Stafford continues to struggle through various health issues. The latest report indicates he made some improvement this week, but suffers with additional intestinal problems. As each day brings new challenges, we ask you to continue praying for Cy, Stephanie, and their family. We will do our best to keep you updated on his condition.

Everything continues to progress with the students in Denver. The week ahead is a research week for the men in Denver as they use this time to work on numerous assignments from the six classes they have this quarter. The dedication of these men continues to be an encouragement to all who know the level of work they complete in the short period of time for each quarter. Please remember to pray for the development of their faith and service as they complete each step of their journey through the Bear Valley program.

Reports this week are also encouraging as the men in the extension program demonstrate their dedication to studies and outreach. We ask you to take the time to read each report and pray for the development of these schools. There are always various needs presented by each location and we ask you to consider how you might be involved in meeting these needs. Without your willingness to help and your generosity to the program, the work would be hindered.

Now on to this week’s incredible reports...

Coordinator Updates
Reports from the coordinators are now located on the website, under Staff Reports. The address is

The latest report from Howell Ferguson can be read by clicking here.

Extension Reports

The Work Is In Great Progress As A 50 Year Celebration Approaches: Caution and excitement characterize the attitudes of staff and students in Cameroon as a big day nears.

Souls Are Added To The Church As Students Evangelize Daily: Students in Mbanga demonstrate an evangelistic spirit in reaching souls with the gospel.

Vocational Studies Continue For Students In Nigeria: One of the benefits for the students of the school in Nigeria is the opportunity to learn a skill that helps provide for their families.

Conflict Continues With The Work In Eastern Ukraine: While the staff of BVBIU is encouraged by the school’s development, the conflict continues to cause issues in Ukraine.

Planning The Future And Celebrating The Past In Paraguay: The work continues to progress as staff plan for the future, while reflecting on the success of the past.

Shaking The Cobwebs Off To Resume Studies In Arusha: As students return to their studies, the numbers are exciting for the direction of the first and second year classes.

Students Look Forward To Starting Classes Monday At ACSOP: The week ahead brings students back to the classroom in Arusha, Tanzania for the new quarter.

Final Thoughts
With heartfelt thanks, we want you to know how much we appreciate all you do for this work. We know without any doubt that this work progresses because of your prayers, encouragement, and support. To say you are a blessing to the program is an understatement. Thank you for helping make the training of preachers a great success.

God bless

Posted on February 7, 2016 .