The Work Of God's Hands Touches Lives In Mbanga, Cameroon...

Warm greetings from this part of the world where the week was characterized with a lot of festivities in and around our country with the celebration of our National Youth day. It was so special this time with the 50th Anniversary. We thank God all went on successfully with no major incident in our locality.

I am sorry for the lateness last week, which at the end could not make it due to poor network communication and a lack of electricity in our locality. I am also sending this one ahead of time because I will be out for mission work starting from tomorrow.

We appreciate the work of His hands this time around again in the life of those He has touched, like that of our beloved sister who is liberated from prison after spending a few months in jail with her pregnancy, which she will soon put to bed. Please keep on praying for her. 

There is great gain in evangelism and distance is not a barrier. The young assembly in the north where one of our students worked tiredly to implant it during his long term campaign, including his period for vacation. It is progressively growing and souls are being added as they communicate to us. We are requesting another turn because "one good turn deserves another.” Oh beloved if means be, we are going to send two of them come our next evangelism campaign.

Today is the 11th of February, where we took advantage to talk to the youth of our sub-division as they came from various villages for the youth day celebration, just like the Jews who gathered in Jerusalem on the day of Pentecost, where Peter took opportunity to proclaim the first sermon and about 3000 souls were added. So, too, about 3000 tracts were distributed both in French and English. This preparation started in the worship house where we prepared our tracts with the address and contact number of the church. Some of you will see where students were taking some Foleri, that is a kind of soft drink, under a fig tree after working under the sun for long time. This practice has been successful for some time, as we met prospects in and around Mbanga who contacted us again through the address found in the tract. We pray our work should have a positive impact on the lives and souls of all who collected tracts. By the grace of God, we wish you would commit all the students in your prayers.

Remain blessed 

Posted on February 11, 2016 .