Graduation in Wotutu

It was my distinct honor to attend and address the commencement ceremony of the 2016 graduating class in Wotutu, Cameroon. This class of 22 men represents unlimited potential for the Kingdom of Christ in this country for many years to come. This school has now sent 61 fully trained men out into the filed in its 6 year history. The dedication of the staff and students is both impressive and inspiring. 

One of the best stories to come out of this class relates to one of our students who was disowned by his family when he became a Christian. But he was not to be deterred and even enrolled in the preacher training school. Eventually his father became receptive to the gospel and was converted by his son. Isn't that wonderful?! But it gets even better, because the father is now enrolled in the next class of students and will begin his studies in January!  (they are pictured above)

I am thankful for our brothers Elangwe and Ititi (also pictured above) for their service as the Directors for the 2 Bear Valley extensions in Cameroon. (Ititi in Mbanga and Elangwe in Wotutu). Also, many thanks to David Ballard who does a tremendous job as the Coordinator for both of these schools.  Please continue to pray for them and all the other teachers as they fulfill the Bear Valley mission found in 2 Tim. 2:2.

Keith Kasarjian

Posted on November 28, 2016 .