A great start in Kenya

Dear Mike Reese,

Greetings from Kenya School of Preaching, we trust the Lord is taking good care of you as He is doing to us here.

The Gamma class if off to a smooth first quarter start. All the 20 students have been in class throughout the weeks and generally doing well. 

Some students have had problems adjusting to hot weather in Kisumu, but that's normal they will get used to it with time. 

For the first time we have two students who are Maasai from Maasai Mara region. They are average students in class and we trust they will be improve and be fruitful in evangelizing their community and beyond.

During the first quarter they studied; Homiletics I, Acts, Synoptic Gospel, English I, The New Testament Church and Personal Evangelism. Through the classes, they have shown a lot of determination and desire to go and share what they have learnt during the quarter with their communities and congregations.

During the first quarter, the students got great chance to visit the local congregation and the response has been amazing. They visited 13 local congregations, preached 36 sermons during worship, taught 23 bible classes, attended three gospel meetings which resulted into 9 baptisms and one church restored to New Testament worship. 

As we break for December Holiday, it's going to be a busy month for most of us here. 

I would have the honor to speak at the Kenya youths' meeting from Dec 7-12, Dominic a former KSOP graduate and Job a current student will be serving as organizers and speakers. 

On Dec 16-19 I will be in Homa Bay County soul harvesting mission working with Benard Kagaga, Elias and two other former KSOP graduates John Bosco and Aloo.

I will also travel to Lung'anyiro to work with Joseph Omondi, Boniface and Lucas all KSOP graduates who are keeping the faith among others. 

The second Quarter will begin on Jan 6 to March 6.

We thank you all for your love of souls and the trust you have bestowed on us to train men and evangelize. We are happy working together with God and you all. 

Keep us in your prayers as do for you over here, we are looking forward to a fruitful December holiday. 

Happy and Blessed Thanksgiving! 

Charles Ogutu

Posted on November 25, 2016 .