They're excited in Wotutu, Cameroon!

Dearest in Christ,

Greetings from Cameroon. We are doing great and God is blessing us with many good things. All our hearts and minds in Wotutu congregation now is tilted towards the upcoming events.

Students are better in health and all of them are back on campus after the 3 days given to them to go back home to discuss graduation plans and other things with families. Keep our students and staff in your fervent prayers as this period, that God will take us through to the end without any problem.

Last week went on well and we already have brother David Ballard and sister Jackie here in Cameroon, brother David will teach a short course while sister Jackie came to help many sick people as a nurse. After worship today, she started with our Christians to check their health conditions for free. The news about a medical person in Wotutu congregation attracted many unbelievers to come seeking their way to see her for health reasons. Keep them in your prayers as the serve in the capacities that God has called them to Cameroon.

 All our plans are towards the end of year activities that is coming up in Wotutu. Pray for a smooth success.

Please pray for the many brethren who are preparing and planning to come to Wotutu for the events. God bless you all.

Your brother, 


Posted on November 14, 2016 .