"The students went to the hinter lands..."

Greetings my Beloved,

        It is by the Grace of God that we are joyful to extend our warm salutation this weekend from Mbanga in the Littoral region of our peaceful country, Cameroon, found in Central Africa.

      To begin this weekly journal,it is great to say that our week was blessed with a lot of physical and spiritual blessings.

    We resumed classes last Monday, which was the 26th of September and all the students were present in class and everything went on hitch-free.The students were happy to meet with each other after a separation of about 3 weeks and were able to share their reports with the Director.

      The students went so far to the hinter lands were there was little or no network communication, but we thank God that the people in that area could hear the Word in these last days. God blessed some congregations were souls were recorded like in NSanke,Tiem and Mujuka Peage. All these assemblies are found in the Littoral. We could not have the pictures because they don't have phones with cameras but we pray for these souls to grow in Christianity.

            This week also had some evangelism campaign in a village call Ngongo Bakundu and I was there for two days due to my tied schedule. God already blessed with 4 SOULS.

              The Church in Mbanga is growing in membership and we are doing our best to train the sisters, most especially the wives of the students, so as to be able to help their husbands in field after their training.

            Up Coming events:  The will be the BVBIC ALUMNI EVANGELISTIC MISSION TEAM come Thursday 6-9 of September at Limbe and all our students are going to be there because evangelism is our Mission and our Mission is evangelism.

     The sisters will be traveling to Douala for another evangelism mission trip which concerns only the sisters. Evangelism has no Geographical boundaries.

We still be brethren. My regards to that big family of God.

Your brother,


Posted on October 3, 2016 .