The Gospel Proclaimed Produces Much Fruit In Ghana...

Dear Brethren,

Another month of operation has passed successfully, by God’s grace. Classroom and other related works went on successfully. All students and instructors were on hand for teaching and learning.

Poultry / Garden
An average of thirty (30) eggs are collected each day. The highest number of eggs collected in a day was 40 and the lowest, 25 (one time). The garden is also showing at least 80 cabbages.

A total of 16 baptisms were recorded through the work of the school.

Personal Evangelism
Joshua Aidoo, an instructor in the school, did a week-long evangelism campaign. The students also went to the nearby village, Ituma, all through the month in the evenings after classes. This directly resulted in 4 baptisms.

Thank you.

Charles Mensah

Posted on August 9, 2015 .