Much To Be Thankful For And Much To Pray About...

With only two weeks left before the new quarter of studies begins in Denver, students are arriving from all over the country. The staff and congregation at Bear Valley are excited about the new class of students beginning their program of study, a journey that will take them through the next two years. There will be highs and lows and they will face numerous challenges, so we ask you to pray for each of these men as they prepare to preach the gospel.

Other exciting news pours in from around the world as students prepare to graduate in several locations. Students in Cambodia will graduate this Friday evening and a new class of students is already arriving to begin their studies in just a few weeks. The Southwest School of Evangelism will also host a graduation of their students next month in Nigeria. Others continue their studies in God’s word and the progress can be read below.

The devastation in Nepal is also a pressing need. Jerry Golphenee and Gajendra Deshar provide updated information on their efforts to help in the relief needs of the brethren and people of Nepal.

Now on to this week’s incredible reports...

Coordinator Updates
Reports from the coordinators are now located on the website, under Staff Reports. The address is

Extension Reports 

Rain May Darken The Skies In Cameroon, But The Evangelistic Spirit Shines: Regardless of the challenges brought on by the weather, evangelism continues to see souls added to the church.

Praying For The Family Of Noassi Albert In Mbanga, Cameroon: One of the students at the new school in Mbanga passed away last week. Please remember his family in prayer.

Five Day Trip Brings Updated Reports From Nepal: The news of devastation in Nepal continues to indicate the need for aid and assistance. Read more in this week’s update.

Graduation Brings Joy To Christians In The Northern Sector Of Ghana: The recent graduation in Tamale was an exciting event for the church in the northern parts of Ghana.

The Good News Just Keeps Getting Better In Tanzania: Reports from the work in Arusha, Tanzania continue to demonstrate the power of preacher training as the gospel spreads.

Recent Trip To Kenya Produces Fruit For The Kingdom: As staff from ACSOP travel to encourage various graduates, the results are producing fruit for the Lord’s church.

ACSOP Planning For A Bright Future In Preacher Training: The foundational planning stages are laid for the future development of the program of study in Arusha.

A Plan For Sustainability In The Work Of Preacher Training: One of the great needs in the program is sustainability and it is exciting to see this coming together at ACSOP.

Final Thoughts 
As we close again this week, we want each of you to know how important you are to this program. Without you, the Bear Valley Bible Institute would not exist. Without your love and compassion for the development of the Lord’s kingdom, thousands of people would not be Christians today. Thank you for the blessing you are to all who participate in and benefit from preacher training.

God bless

Posted on July 19, 2015 .