Good News Is Key To The News In Tanzania...

Greetings Fellow Servants;

We hope and pray our God is blessing you all in all the right ways. Because He lives, we also live and have hope for better days in eternity. As His family we share in the greatest blessing we could ever know, salvation in Him through His love and grace. 

The “Good Will Tour” is in full swing. Four of the Andrew Connally School of Preaching leaders are traveling throughout Tanzania and Kenya. They are meeting and visiting with many of our students and their home congregations. The purpose of this tour is to better connect with the future evangelists and their home congregations, in hopes of finding out better, how we can help them beyond their schooling here in Arusha. Please pray for Ahimidiwe, Charles, Godfrey and Michael as they move about the dangers roads of East Africa on God’s mission in furthering His Kingdom. 

Good News from Yusuph: “We had two baptisms today here at Lulembela.” 

Good New From Josephat: “We thank God for His goodness and protection during the Tanzania Christian Youth Seminar. We had more than 150 youth, who came together to study how to keep the faith and be steadfast in the work of God….We thank God because six precious souls were added to the Lord….The youth helped set up more than sixty new bible studies here in Moshi. Amen

Good News from Godfrey: “Through the cooperative efforts of many Christians from all over Tanzania, God has given the increase, blessing His church here in Arusha with four new souls, thanks be to God, His is all powerful and always good.” 

We are grateful for Sean’s return. He is here working with Daniel and me as we continue our planning and development of the ACSOP. We three miss our wives dearly, but are thankful for the time together as we plan the future of God’s work here in Tanzania. 

In our last Short Report we requested some help for the church at Babati. A couple of inquiries have been made as to where we stand in raising the $2,500 needed. As of this writing, no firm commitments have been made. We trust and hope this opportunity will be seized and that the Lord’s work might continue in the huge area of lost souls. 

We close with hearts full of joy and thanksgiving for the life we share in Him. We thank each of you for your prayers, support and most of all, your love for the lost of this world. Till all have heard…

C.W. (Cy) Stafford III
Director - Tanzania Missions
601-310-6170 (U.S.)
255-754-628-830 (Tanzania)
2707 S. Lamar St. - Denver, Colorado - 80227

Posted on July 12, 2015 .