The Difficult Challenges In Extension Training...

One of the realities of working in the extension program is the need, at times, to address difficult situations that lead to withdrawing our relationship with a school in a specific location. This was the situation that occurred over the past week in Uganda. We do not intend to go into all the details, but due to a lack of meeting specific criteria, the overseeing congregation and the Bible Institute made a decision to withdraw from the work. These types of decisions are never made easily or quickly. They are made after much time, prayer, and discussion concerning the best way move forward. We ask that you pray with us regarding the situation and the future for those affected by the decision and for wisdom in moving forward.

After graduation in Denver and other locations, students are moving into a number of areas to begin their ministry. We are excited with the development of each area where they serve and pray God’s blessings on them as they strive to lead the lost to Jesus. We know their efforts will strengthen and build up the church, as well as, provide a variety of ways to reach out to others with the gospel.

The reports point to another wonderful week of God blessing those preparing to share the gospel with others. While there will always be unpleasant areas associated with the work, the overall nature of God’s activity in the program explains why the work continues to be worth the time and effort invested. Please remember our efforts in prayer.

Now on to this week’s incredible reports...

Coordinator Updates
Reports from the coordinators are now located on the website, under Staff Reports. The address is

The latest report from Jerry Bates can be read here.

The latest report from Howell Ferguson can be read here.

Extension Reports 

Trip To Ghana Proves Beneficial For Study In Church Growth: A visit to Ghana for a lectureship on Church Growth results in growth as souls were added to the church.

Recapping Graduation At ITL In Guatemala: The third class of graduates in Guatemala were honored in their recent celebration. The report this week shares the entire week of activities.

Graduation And Other Activities At The West Coast School Of Preaching: The report and pictures from the recent graduation in Ghana speak for themselves.

Students Receive Good Reports From Local Congregations: Students in Kenya are gaining a good reputation for their work among local congregations near Kisumu.

Graduation In Ukraine: While there are several reports on graduations this week, the challenge of the class recently graduating in Ternopil, Ukraine is encouraging to read.

Safari For Souls Reaches A First In Tanzania: A local congregation in Arusha will host the first Safari for Souls in July. The report this week shares the incredible growth of the Lord’s church.

Just Another Sunday In Arusha, Tanzania: The report from Daniel Gaines this week shares activities about the work Sunday and its impact on the Kisongo congregation.

Denominational Preacher Converted In Tanzania: The power of the gospel is encouraging to see when a denominational preacher becomes a Christian and begins reaching others.

Final Thoughts 
As we close out another week, we thank you for your investment in this work. Your time, abilities, and resources are the lifeblood of the program. You continue to be a blessing to us and thousands more reached with the gospel through training preachers. Thank you for making it all possible. We pray God’s richest blessings on you.

God bless

Posted on June 7, 2015 .