Day-To-Day Activities And Evangelism Reaching Souls...

Graduates from Denver and several other locations in the extension program are now located in their respective places and beginning to serve the church. After two years of intense study, these men and their families are prepared to help the local church grow numerically and spiritually. We are encouraged by their desire and pray God will bless their efforts for His kingdom.

Moving through the summer months seems a little more quiet than usual. We do have a few more graduations scheduled throughout the extension program and we know God will continue to bless those who are studying during these months. We are encouraged by the diligence and dedication of each of these men who “press on toward the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus,” as Paul identified in Philippians.

Reports this week describe the current work of students in their day-to-day activities in the classroom and their evangelistic involvement. We know that you will be encouraged when you read through each report this week and see how God continues to give the increase to the Gospel preached by these brethren. The kingdom grows on a daily basis, as these reports indicate.

Please pray for these good brethren as they prepare and preach. One report addresses the nature of the work from the local prison in Cameroon. They face numerous challenges each day and willingly endure because of the good news about our Savior. Our prayer is that God will help us pursue the cause with the same level of commitment, reaching out with the Gospel to the people in our own country.

Now on to this week’s incredible reports...

Coordinator Updates
Reports from the coordinators are now located on the website, under Staff Reports. The address is

Extension Reports 

38 Souls Added To The Kingdom And 23 Restored In Cameroon: The results from the latest campaign in Cameroon continues to show the power of the gospel preached.

The New School In Mbanga Is Reaching Out Locally And In Prison: The students from the new school and graduates from Wotutu joined in a local campaign to share the gospel.

One Of The Student’s Wives Is Baptized In Togo: One of the students at the Center for Biblical Studies, a recent convert from a local denomination, baptized his wife.

Grand Opening Of A New Congregation Near Arusha: The news is exciting as a new congregation is planted in Tanzania as a result of the recent Safari for Souls campaign.

ACSOP Students Hard At Work, Results Included Below: Sean Hochdorf’s report shares results from the recent campaign in Arusha, Tanzania. The news is worth reading.

Visiting Brothers And Sisters Encourage The Church In Tanzania: Short-term missionaries encourage the brethren in Tanzania and souls are added to the kingdom.

Final Thoughts 
Thank you is never enough when considering the debt of gratitude we owe each of you for your involvement in the extension training program. As the program grows, God continues to bless the work through you to provide what is needed during each step of the process. Thank you for your willingness to serve in such great ways. We need you and appreciate the blessing you are to each one in the program.

God bless

Posted on June 14, 2015 .