Reporting, Reconnecting, And Recharging...

May has been a marvelous month! Currently, we are home in the United States on our annual furlough reporting trip and are thoroughly enjoying our visits with the brethren. We so enjoy these times of reconnecting with our dear friends and family, being in your homes, sharing meals, and just getting so many hugs! It has been a great time of “recharging the batteries” for us in order to go back and continue the work. Each of you have been so kind and supportive. We thank you all and we hope our report and pray it brings a measure of encouragement. God bless! 

Developments at the Avenida Sacramento church of Christ
The Trent Kennedy Family has arrived in Paraguay! They arrived on May 15th and will be working with the church and the local missionaries for the next three months. They will be teaching English using the Bible, offering a parenting class, and encouraging the congregation through their Christian example. Trent will also be teaching some classes in the Asuncion Bible Academy along with other studies and activities. They also plan to study Spanish while in the country. We’re excited to have them in Paraguay and thankful for their servant’s heart. You can follow their developments on their blogsite:

There are several exciting events and activities scheduled for the upcoming months which include: an evangelistic campaign with a mission group from Palm Beach Lakes, a men’s retreat and planning session, a survey trip to Ciudad del Este, a ladies day seminar, Bible Academy evangelistic campaigns, “Friends and Family Day,” several visiting brethren from the USA, and various special studies. It’s going to be a busy time!

David Salvioni was immersed into the body of Christ after Sebastian Garcia (one of our current Bible Academy students), taught him the Gospel. David brought two of his close friends with him, Victor and Juanjo who also obeyed the Gospel call. Praise God! We are so excited to see our young brethren reaching out to their peers and sharing Christ!

Developments at the Asuncion Bible Academy
First Quarter studies already completed! The new “Beta Class” has finished their first courses of study and are doing an outstanding job! They are a much different class than the previous one. It is interesting to see how they have bonded, how they have approached their studies, and how they have responded to the challenges presented within the Academy environment. Overall, we couldn’t be more pleased with this wonderful, new group of students.

We had several new, visiting instructors this past quarter. Brother Enrique Morales, a preacher from the North Texas area, taught “The Cost of Being a Disciple.” He taught the course via our video conference system from the USA. The students responded really well to the class. We also had brother Darvin Alvarez from the Institute of Theology Latinoamericano in Guatemala City, Guatemala come to Paraguay to teach “Bible Geography.” Again, the students responded well to the class. We are so thankful to have these good brethren take the time and energy to assist us with the curriculum of studies in the Bible Academy.

Brother Gary Fallis will be returning to Paraguay June 1 through 5th to teach “The Godhead.” This will be his second time to teach this class in the Academy and his third trip to Paraguay. He plans to bring his wife, Sara, with him who will be teaching some ladies classes while here, also.

Troy and Andrea Spradlin

To see their report with pictures, please click here.

Posted on May 31, 2015 .