News From Abroad Shows The Power Of The Gospel...

Greetings Fellow Servants, 

We continue in amazement as to what God can do when His family here on earth really cares, loves, and gives sacrificially. We thank each of your for your prayers and support in this amazing work of God currently on going in Tanzania, East Africa. 

The good news from abroad really shows the power of the gospel at its best in the hands of His faithful. What God can do through His church is so powerful and encouraging. We thank each of your for partnering with us in the greatest work that can be known to mankind. 

Stephanie and I ask for your prayers. After a good furlough I will be heading back to Tanzania, unaccompanied. After much prayer and contemplation we made our decision. Stephanie will remain in the States to care for her mother. I will return to Tanzania to continue with the work on Wednesday. We are hoping that Stephanie will be able to come to TZ during the month of June, if her sister is able to care for their mom. The separation will be challenging, but with your prayers and God’s grace all is possible. 

We are so pleased to be able to update you on our financial short fall. Two couples and two congregations have stepped up and helped us by committing $400 of the monthly short fall as mentioned in last week’s report. Also two “over the top” donations, we now only lack $3,500 for our travel needs for the year. We still need help with our monthly medical insurance need (the first four months of the year were covered by this last amazing gift). We want to thank everyone who has stepped up through your prayers and support, making God’s work possible. We are simply overwhelmed by your love and generosity. 

Our first campaigners arrive tomorrow, Tom Watkins and I arrive on Thursday. Bibles have been purchased, tracks and other materials are being printed and if all goes well, the school will have its new (used) van to help with outreach transportation needs. We are so very excited about this year’s Safari for Souls efforts and all who will come and those who help those who are coming. We ask for your prayers as we move forward with God’s work to the saving of lost souls in Tanzania. 

Great News: Daniel reports; “A few weeks ago we announced to you a new outreach initiative that partners the Andrew Connally School of Preaching and the local congregations. Through this effort our preaching students are being sent to area congregations on weekends to help with evangelistic efforts, and serve in worship service. After the first month of this program, we are very happy to announce that good fruits are already being produced. So far this effort has resulted in 17 baptisms! Additionally, 21 unfaithful souls have been restored to the Lord's church. I am so proud of our students, and I look forward to seeing all of the ways that God continues to use them.

God continues to grow His Kingdom and to be a small part of it is indeed a blessing and joy. Thank you and we thank our God for you. Until all have heard…

In Him,

Posted on May 3, 2015 .