More News From Nepal And Graduation Approaches...

While the news seems to have faded about the recent earthquake in Nepal, last week another 7.3 quake centered north of Kathmandu left a wake of destruction and more dead. This earthquake was not as severe as the first, but the fear remains. Jerry Golphenee sent another report about the situation in Nepal and continues to ask for our prayers and help. If you desire to be involved in helping with the need in Nepal, please see Jerry’s letter below and consider ways you can provide for the need.

Students in Denver are two weeks away from completing their studies and graduation. We ask you to pray for them as they enter the ministry. We are thankful for their time at Bear Valley and know God will bless them throughout their service to Him. After graduation, students will enjoy a short break to see family and supporters before beginning another quarter of studies with a new class of students.

Speaking of new students: we are excited about the possibilities of the new class in Denver. The list of students indicates the potential of 15+ students beginning in August. Satan will present many challenges to prevent them from attending, so we ask you to pray that God open the necessary doors for the support they seek and for the strength to follow through with their plans. 

Additional reports this week indicate God’s continued blessings on the efforts of staff and students throughout the program. The encouragement received from reading the ways God works through these men to strengthen them in faith, bring the lost to Christ, and strengthen the brethren is immeasurable. Pray for them as they engage in kingdom work.

Now on to this week’s incredible reports...

Coordinator Updates
Reports from the coordinators are now located on the website, under Staff Reports. The address is

To read Steven Ashcraft’s update on the work in West Africa, please click here.

Extension Reports 

A Macedonian Call, Preachers’ Forum, And Addition To The Kingdom: The activities last week in Cameroon were full of encouraging and powerful events for the church.

God’s Word Must Be Preached: The new school in Mbanga, Cameroon is off to a great start and the focus on preaching the word of God drives their training and evangelism.

Devastation, Dangerous, Desperate, Disappointing, And Dismal: These words only begin to describe the situation in Nepal and the challenges facing the local church and school.

Year-End Travels, Challenges, Health Concerns, And Growth In Guatemala: The last few months introduced a number of challenges to the work at ITL in Guatemala.

Entering The Last Quarter Of The First Year Of Studies In Uganda: Seven students at the Uganda School of Evangelism are finishing their first year of studies this quarter.

Souls Added To The Kingdom And A Congregation Converted: The news from Togo continues to encourage us with the growth and conversion of denominational groups.

Obedience, The Master Key: While this is the title of one of the lessons presented in Nigeria, the emphasis throughout the report demonstrates the significance of this thought.

Partnering In A Great Work Of God: Reading through Cy Stafford’s report this week shows why the work in Arusha represents a great partnership in spreading the gospel.

Changing Lives And Giving Hope To The People: This statement concludes a staff report from the Andrew Connally School of Preaching, and the rest is worth reading.

Campaign Season Is Off To A Great Start In Arusha, Tanzania: Each year, about this time, the Safari for Souls campaign begins and Daniel Gaines’ report shares news about the event.

Final Thoughts 
As always, we thank you for taking time to read the reports. Our prayer is that God will bless you richly for your involvement in this program. We know the value you provide to this work and we appreciate your love for the Lord and His kingdom. Thanks to you, souls come to know Jesus and the church is strengthened. 

God bless

Posted on May 17, 2015 .