Entering The Last Quarter Of The First Year Of Studies In Uganda...

Dear brethren.

We do once again thank you for your financial support and the prayers you always give us here in Uganda. At Uganda School of Evangelism we started our last quarter of the first year. Brother Donnie came for the short course which officially ended on the 2nd of April. The ladies came on the 6th of April 2015 and stayed for one week. This time five missed due to family problems. They promised to make sure that they come in July.

During this long course, brother Ouma Christopher is teaching the book of Isaiah in both Kiswahili and English classes, brother Morris Ojiambo has come on board and he is teaching Paul’s Prison Epistles in both English and Kiswahili classes. Brother Daniel Oloo is still teaching Kiswahili grammar, plus the Psalms in the Kiswahili class, while brother Ema Mawa is also still teaching English grammar and Psalms in the English class. I am teaching Homiletics in both classes during chapel times. We do very much thank the world Video Bible school for the materials they provided our school. When a teacher needs what to teach we just photo copy and make copies for both teachers and students. May God bless your effort.

The rains are still strong in this part of the world. Our lands are still flooded. We plan to stock our ponds at the end of this month to avoid water taking away our fish. Everyone here is doing fine. May God bless you all.

Yours in Christ,
Francis and Margaret Wechesa

Posted on May 16, 2015 .