Several reports came in last week throughout the extension program. Students in Denver moved closer to graduation and new students were approved to begin in August. Plans for the future of preacher training are stronger than ever. We are excited to see the interest level growing among men who desire to prepare themselves in greater ways to serve the kingdom of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Reports from each school below share exciting news about the direction of the work around the world. News from both the east and west sides of Africa indicate the work is growing. The report from Ukraine address the continued struggles of a war-torn nation and the church trying to survive these challenges. The difficulties of overcoming the recent earthquake continues to plague the work in Nepal.
News from Sean and Anita Hochdorf (below) mentions the surgical procedure that was scheduled for last Friday. Sean’s surgery went well and he is now home recovering. Everything looks good and he will know more in the weeks ahead as to the success of the surgery. His invitation to stop by and share jello was interesting and I think we should all take him up on it. More seriously, we are thankful the surgery went well and ask you to pray for his recovery.
God continues to bless our efforts in moving forward with the development of training men to preach the gospel. We appreciate your prayers and ask that you continue praying for the wisdom to make the right decisions in the direction of the work as it expands in the months ahead. You are all a blessing to the program. Thank you!
Now on to this week’s incredible reports...
Coordinator Updates
Reports from the coordinators are now located on the website, under Staff Reports. The address is
The latest report from Luis Camacho about the work in Paraguay can be read here.
The latest report from Howell Ferguson about the work in Chimala can be read here.
Extension Reports
The Influence Of The Gospel Is Spread Through Young And Old: The report from Cameroon demonstrates how the effectiveness of the gospel is seen in the influence of young and old.
Outreach Begins After The Earthquake In Nepal: The report from Nepal shares pictures of the damage in Nepal from the recent earthquake to several Christians’ homes. The need is great!
Student Recruitment Begins For The Next Class At SIBS, Ghana: After a successful first year of classes, plans for the next class are shaping up as students are recruited in Ghana.
Plans Made For Graduation In Ukraine The End Of May: In the midst of the turmoil in Ukraine, we are excited for the upcoming graduation for students at BVBIU.
Gearing Up For The Safari For Souls In Arusha, Tanzania: Cy Stafford is back in Tanzania and evangelism is the thrust in the approaching Safari for Souls campaign.
Surgery Completed And Sean Hochdorf Is Home Recovering: We give thanks to God for answering prayers regarding Sean’s surgery. Everything went well and he is home.
Final Thoughts
A great week of news and we appreciate your time to read through the reports and pray about the development of preacher training. You are needed and a blessing to the work. Thank you for continuing to actively support and strengthen the hands of those who are involved in extension training.
God bless