Gearing Up For The Safari For Souls In Arusha, Tanzania...

Greetings Fellow Servants;

What can I say? Happy Mother’s Day to all the godly mothers in the church. Without you, we would not be and for this, we thank our God for each of you. Our hope and prayers is that God and your children bless you with a double portion this great day, your day, Mother’s Day. 

I thank God for answered prayers. Tom Watkins and I arrived safely Wednesday night and yes, I am missing Stephanie already. Tom will be working with Mathew, one of our graduates from the Andrew Connally School of Preaching at the border town of Namanga. They will work with two newly planted congregations, one on the Tanzania side and one on the Kenya side of the border. 

Dennis Dickey, his two daughters (Mariah and Lauren), and Brian Howard from the Town Acres congregation in Indiana are with us conducting a campaign at the newly planted Njiro Chini congregation. They have had several Bible studies with two precious souls having put Christ on in baptism this past week already. Please continue to remember all of our brothers and sisters during this time of summer campaigns as they serve God and our fellow man through the teaching and preaching of God’s Word. 

After criss-crossing the Southeast for the past serval weeks, reporting what God is doing here in Tanzania with serval congregations and Christians, God has answered our prayers bountifully. As noted in previous Short Reports, Stephanie and I lost some support. Through the generosity of several congregations and Christian families we have received much of the short fall. A very special thank you to a dear sister and brother in Christ in the Tennessee area for their commitment and for introducing our needs to the church family at Mt. Juliet. The congregation has come on board with monthly support to help us with our medical needs. Stephanie and I are humbled by everyones care and concerns. It is a wonderful thing to be a part of God’s family. 

We ask you to join us in daily prayer for the next 90 days as we plan and execute God’s will through the Safari for Souls campaigns. We have a group coming from Oklahoma, Alabama, and Mississippi to help us, help the family of God in the Arusha/Usa River area, help the lost. We know through your prayers, God will bless these efforts and many will come to know Him as their God. Through this effort, the Lord’s church will be built up and encouraged to stand firm in the Faith. 

Also, remember our student body as they work through their finals this week and prepare for two short-courses to follow and then a two day Gardening Project to be taught by our brother Ebenezer Udofia from Kenya. 

Prayers are needed for our bother Sean Hochdorf. He had surgery on Friday and is recouping at home. 

We thank you all for all you do and mean to God’s work where you are, here in Tanzania, and throughout the world. Until all have heard…

In Him,
Cy, Stephanie & Granny

Posted on May 10, 2015 .