What Opportunities Await You This Year?

Now that the major tax deadline is behind us, opportunities for the remainder of the year are the focus of this week’s report. Consider five of the following opportunities that await over the next eight months: 

1) An opportunity to attend graduation. The Bear Valley Bible Institute will host the 50th year graduation for its next class of students May 31. If you can be in the Denver area, we would love to have you share in this great occasion. Perhaps there is also an opportunity to visit one of several locations around the world to attend a graduation at one of the extension sites. Consider how you can bless these graduates with your presence.

2) An opportunity to attend Bear Valley’s annual lectureship. September 17-20 are the dates scheduled for this year’s lectureship. The theme is based in the second half of the minor prophets. If you enjoy a rich and deep study of the Old Testament, we encourage you to be here. While here for the lectureship, plan to join us for the “free” banquet where the focus is on the work of the Bear Valley Bible Institute.

3) An opportunity to go on a mission trip. Opportunities abound globally for you to travel to Asia, Europe, Africa, India, Nepal, Central America, South America, the South Pacific and everywhere in between. We are privileged to work with brethren in 18 different locations in 14 countries. Please consider how you might take advantage of a great opportunity to see the work first-hand and participate in sharing the gospel with others.

4) An opportunity to share the report of extension training with others. If you are as encouraged with the news each week as we are, we ask you to send the report to others who might also share in the excitement. If you know of someone who would like to receive the report each week, please let us know and we will add them to the list of recipients.   

5) An opportunity to pray. While the work of extension training has extensive needs, nothing is more important and essential than your prayers on our behalf. As the program grows, we ask you to pray that we have wisdom to know the right locations and people with whom to work. We ask you to pray that God will continue to provide for all our needs.

Now on to this week’s incredible reports...

Coordinator Updates
Reports from the coordinators are now located on the website, under Staff Reports. The address is http://www.wetrainpreachers.com/extension-schools/

Extension Reports 

A Remarkable And Historical Week In Wotutu, Cameroon: A young couple, who only spoke French, needed patience while learning, but they are now a brother and sister in Christ. 

Growth Occurs As Students Return To Class In Kenya: After a short break, students are back in class and the report indicates they are growing numerically and spiritually in the church.

The Lord Has Done A Special Thing In The Arusha Congregation: Souls repented and returned to fellowship with the Lord at the Arusha congregation. The report shares more.

Final Thoughts 
Thank you for reading the report each week and sharing in this work. If you receive this report it is because you are involved at some level with the work at Bear Valley. This work continues to succeed because each of you love the Lord, His church, and those who need a Savior. We appreciate your willingness to share with us in task of training kingdom workers. We pray God’s richest blessings on each of you.

God bless

Posted on April 19, 2015 .