The Lord Has Done A Special Thing In The Arusha Congregation...

Greetings Fellow Servants;

We rejoice knowing your prayers are offered up to our God and that He gives an ear to His Saints. In answering your prayers, He is adding to His Kingdom daily in East Africa. We thank you for your support of this amazing work of God. 

I am often asked; “What are the people of Tanzania like? What are their struggles and hardships? What is the Lord’s church like? What struggles and hardships do they have?” The best answer comes from a very wise man; “…there is nothing new under the sun.” (Ecc. 1.9b). The struggles and hardships of the church family in Tanzania are no different than that of the church family in America or any other place on this earth. 

This recent report from the Arusha church says it all: “The Lord has done a special thing in the Arusha congregation. Six brethren have come back to the church after making open repentance. This is Gumbo and his wife and an additional four souls. Glory be to God who has enabled me to talk to them by showing them the correct way.” We praise our God and we rejoice in the repentance and return of our brothers and sister who had strayed from the family of God, yes, God Himself. 

The church of our God is growing by leaps and bounds. The spiritual growth is so amazing. The numerical growth is also amazing. This is made possible by God, through the power of His Word and yes, through the faithfulness of his Church. Thank you all!

Update: Our prayers have been answered and the funds are now available to purchase a passenger van for the Andrew Connally School of Preaching. The purpose of this vehicle will be to propagate the Gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ throughout Tanzania. The student body will be able to go out each week to conduct Bible studies and also work and worship with various congregations throughout the Arusha area. There will be transportation for our short-term workers who sacrifice so much to come, assisting us in the ministry of God. Thank you, each and everyone, who made this a reality. 

Update: Through the generosity of many, we are about to make our second purchase of Bibles in preparation for the upcoming Safari for Souls campaigns. We will also be printing tens of thousands of Bible tracts and Bible correspondence courses to also be used during and after the upcoming campaigns. Thank you so very much for making this a reality and for the many souls who will become New Testament Christians through the sharing of God’s Word. 

Update: Thank you to our good brother and sister in Christ in South Mississippi who helped Stephanie and I with our recent loss of support. With their $200 per month commitment we are now only $300 per month short in our support. We still lack the medical support needs. 

We solicit your prayers as our campaigners prepare for their journey to Tanzania, and for church in Tanzania as we all prepare for this year’s Safari for Souls campaigns. Our good brothers Dennis Dickey and Rod Minor are leading two small groups and will be coming in the very near future. We also have a group from Elk City, OK and Hoover, AL that will join us in June. There are others as well and we all need your prayers and God’s blessing that many will hear and many will obey. 

In Him,
Cy, Stephanie and Granny

Posted on April 19, 2015 .