Sometimes The Funniest Things Can Happen In The Mission Field...

Greetings Fellow Servants, 

We hope and we pray our God is blessing your lives in a very special way. We thank Him for you, your prayers, and your partnership in the “seeking and saving” of the lost of this world. It has been a busy and blessed week in His Kingdom’s work and in my travels here in States. 

Last week, I was blessed to share God's mission work in Tanzania with two new congregations of the Lord’s saints. First, I was at the Ashville Road congregation in the Birmingham, AL area. The second was with the Boiling Springs, SC church family. The interest in God’s desire to have the whole world “be saved and come to the knowledge of the Truth” always brings hope and joy to this missionary. Thank you Ashville Road and Boiling Springs church families for this wonderful opportunity. 

I will be with our Westside church family this Sunday. The Westside, VA church family has supported the Tanzania mission effort from day one. We struggle finding the words to fully express our thanks for their partnership in this amazing work of God in Tanzania. As it is said; “Westside, is the Bestside.” Amen! 

The reports from our co-workers in Tanzania continue to bring forth good news of souls being taught and souls coming to Jesus in repentance and faith. The work at the Andrew Connally School of Preaching is in full swing and with the new outreach program is producing much fruit. Mission work always brings its challenges and can be illustrated by this recent note from our brother Ahimidiwe: “I hope you are doing well there Babu (grandfather). We are in this part of the world, scratching our heads on the followed things. First, we have an emergency need for the fumigation people to help us, all rats from the field have come to school eating everything and now are running in the roof like pikipiki (motor cycles).” Now that’s funny! 

Last week, I reported Stephanie and I’s need. We lost support from one supporter who helped for many years with our health insurance needs and another who has been a part of our mission efforts since 1992. The bottom line is we needed to make up $1,900 a month. We were blessed by a bother and sister in Mississippi who have committed $200 of this short fall. We are humbled by their sacrifice and we thank God for them. We are looking at options to hopefully get our health insurance costs down, praying we do not have to drop it completely. Your consideration in this matter and prayers would be greatly appreciated. 

We close with thanksgiving for each and everyone one of you who pray, support and engage in God’s outreach where you are and in Tanzania. We love and appreciate your sacrifice and commitments, making God’s work possible. Heaven is growing in numbers because you care, thank you. Always remember, God loves you!

In Him,
Cy, Stephanie & Granny

Posted on April 12, 2015 .