Power-Packed News From The Extension Schools...

Each week moves the Denver campus closer to graduation next month. The seniors are excited about the possibilities waiting for them in the various areas of ministry ahead. All of these men and their families are prepared to enter the work and they will move to specific areas upon completing their courses this quarter. The exciting part of their ministry involves the locations they will serve from the West to the East Coast of the United States.

Reports from the extension schools this week also include a recent graduation in India, an incredible story of God’s providential working in Tanzania, souls reached with the gospel in West Africa, and a little bit of fumigating humor. Reading each report reveals additional layers of how God continues to bless the work and give the increase at every level of the program.

We have a few less reports this week, but the news packed into each one is worth the time to read. The development of preacher training at the Bear Valley Bible Institute grows and every day that passes opens new opportunities for growing the kingdom. Your attention to the needs that exist does not go unnoticed and it is appreciated.

We could not do this work without you. Thank you for making the Bear Valley Bible Institute part of your mission outreach in the Lord’s church. You are blessing in every area of the program. 

Now on to this week’s incredible reports...

Coordinator Updates
Reports from the coordinators are now located on the website, under Staff Reports. The address is http://www.wetrainpreachers.com/extension-schools/

Extension Reports 

When Part Of Our Physical Family Becomes Part Of The Spiritual Family: An event such as this is exciting for everyone and the report from Cameroon shares the awesome news.

Nine Baptisms And Two Restorations In Recent Campaign In Ghana: Staff and students at SIBS participated in a recent campaign that yielded powerful results.

Making A Pulpit Out Of An Ant Hill In Uganda: One never knows where the best place is to proclaim the word of God, but this report shows you can do so from about anywhere.

A Special Graduation Day At Visakha Valley Bible College: Students work hard for two years to reach this day and the experience in India is special as these 12 men complete the journey.

An Ethiopian Experience At The Andrew Connally School Of Preaching: The providential working of God is amazing and the report from ACSOP shares such working.

Learning To Sing Bible Class Songs, Swahili Style: The Gaines’ family shares their experiences in learning to sing in Swahili. Video’s are attached to this link.

Sometimes The Funniest Things Can Happen In The Mission Field: Different terms and their use in other countries can bring a smile to our faces and this is no exception.

Final Thoughts 
On a final note, we thank our God each day for your support of preacher training. Your involvement in this work is making an eternal difference in the lives of wonderful people around the world. To God be the glory!

God bless

Posted on April 12, 2015 .